Documentarian Peter Davis recorded the Dialectics of Liberation and the Demystification of Violence meeting on camera, capturing an invaluable important record of the spectrum of leftwing politics and personalities during the 60s. These stills from his video documentary The Anatomy of Violence enable us to begin to imagine the turbulent energy and atmosphere at the event.

Stokely Carmichael
Credit: Still from Anatomy of Violence directed by Peter Davis

Stokely Carmichael at the Dialectics 1967.
Credit: Still from Anatomy of Violence directed by Peter Davis

Stokely Carmichael speaking on black power
Credit: Still from Anatomy of Violence directed by Peter Davis

R. D. Laing
Credit: Still from Anatomy of Violence directed by Peter Davis

Dialectics Posters
Credit: Still from Anatomy of Violence directed by Peter Davis

View of the audience.
Credit: Still from Anatomy of Violence directed by Peter Davis

Audience shot from the conference.
Credit: Still from Anatomy of Violence directed by Peter Davis

View from the audience
Credit: Still from Anatomy of Violence directed by Peter Davis

View of the Roundhouse.
Credit: Still from Anatomy of Violence directed by Peter Davis